
Culinary Charm: Exploring the Unseen in Songdo, Incheon

Pack your taste buds and let’s embark on a savory journey through Songdo, Incheon! A treasure trove of culinary delights, this city houses some of the finest Korean restaurants.

NiceTime (나이스타임)

NiceTime is not just a bistro but a brunch lover’s paradise that morphs into a natural wine bistro by evening. They offer a heavenly duo of lunch-time pleasures like Eggs Benedict, Hummus Dip, and Panini. When dusk sets, the bistro switches gears to a trove of natural wines, perfect for a relaxing evening paired with light appetizer

  • address : 203 Art Center road, Songdo Central Park, Prugio City B-Dong 141, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon
  • phone : 070-5067-5050
  • 운영 시간 : 11:30 - 22:00
  • 휴식 시간 : 14:30 - 17:30
  • holidays : Monday, Alternate Sundays

Noodle Gnawing Stone (깨비옥)

Home to a clear soup, served Seoul-style, Noodle Gnawing Stone offers an expansive menu from Beef Soup to Yooksashimi and Yookhoe. The star of their menu – Beef Soup is a perfect blend of clean, clear broth and melt-in-your-mouth beef. And, their Yookhoe Bibimbap is a delightful blend of the finest rice and beef in their absolute prime.

  • address : 116, Convention Road, World Mark 7th Zone 1F, 148, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon
  • phone : 032-833-7736
  • 운영 시간 : 11:00 - 23:00
  • 휴식 시간 : 정보 없음
  • 휴일 : 정보 없음

That’s all, folks! Songdo, Incheon awaits your foodie adventures. Ready for the next culinary delight? Subscribe to stay tuned!

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