

Get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey through three Korean provinces. On this culinary adventure, we’ll tantalize your taste buds with delectable Korean cuisine from local hideouts, tucked away in the serene landscapes of Anseong, Gochang, and Chuncheon.

蟾蜍小吃 (두꺼비스넥)

Our first stop in Anseong is Toad Snack. Known for its cucumber kimbap, the eatery has mastered this traditional Korean roll with their 41 years of expertise. A most refreshing bite, thanks to cucumber, makes sure to leave a memorable mark to your taste buds!

  • address : 1066 Anseong-daero, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • 电话:031-674-3039
  • 运营时间:09:00 - 19:30
  • 休息时间 : 无信息
  • 节假日:星期日

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